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Monday, May 31, 2010

Playing in the sandbox cont...

I had better luck going through the tutorials with two screens, one on my laptop and then accessing the sandbox through my mini. I really should print these tutorials out! But I’m writing everything out in my little definition journal – so archaic I realize, but I still like writing lest I forget. I was successful at utilizing the mkdir command to create a directory titled Mary – now I should put something in it☺. I also had the opportunity to look through an extensive binary file – whew. TG for the q command.

I’m enjoying the semantics of this new language; symbolic links sound interesting – files that point to other files. I also had the opportunity to use the * wildcard to find all text files in a directory. I wish I could have been more successful in the later tutorials, particularly pipes (took me a while to find the vertical line character via the help of fellow Digin student Emily) but I will keep trying…

Playing in the sandbox

Going through the commands this week it was really great to see that almost everything worked as stated in the tutorials, although I had some issues accessing one of the directories from the sandbox server due to skimming over the changed directory listed in the assignments doc. I feel as though I’m learning a new language, although I wish that I could practice with my own files in my system. I don’t seem to be able to arrow through with my Mac laptop keyboard, but I’m going to try on the pc keyboard I use with my Mac mini in a little while. I’m also wondering about the – key on my laptop keyboard, as this did not seem to work with some of the commands when trying to activate the long format.

Copying over the files seemed to work well, as did the simple commands such as ls & pwd – ths latter command is like a compass if you get lost. I’m embarrassed to admit that sometimes I associate the cd with command instead of change directory! Not good when trying to navigate through, as it makes one feel somewhat schizophrenic. I think it will be a while before I use the rm command. Undoable deletion – yikes!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

more Ubuntu

Delving further into the New to Ubuntu thread, I have to admit that I found the Psychocats Ubuntu guide very helpful even though it is targeted towards Windows users (I’m a mac user, but I started with pc and still utilize one at work whenever I’m using publisher or have issues with mac “unfriendly” programs). This link also includes an overview of the community surrounding open source and information-sharing through the all-volunteer forums. I especially like the page on how to install popular proprietary software, as this seems like one of the first issues I will encounter even if the Ubuntu install goes smoothly. This operating system based on the Linux kernal is starting to make sense! Now I’m looking forward to unit 2 and the actual download…

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This is the class I've been waiting for, the "hands-on" technology course that comprises 6 classes in my graduate certificate program! Already I've got my separate "technology terms" dictionary in the form of a pocket size journal. Perfect for the many terms I will be looking up & writing down through the course of the summer. Funny how I never thought of server in the terms of the client-server relationship. This makes so much sense (having waited tables for a number of years before returning to school, the metaphor hits home).

Looking through the Ubuntu forum, I'm so grateful to the thoughtful posting titled New to Ubuntu? Start here... and I have bookmarked the Ubuntu pocket guide via google books (I'm saving my storage space for the numerous assigned downloads:)